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General Conditions of Sale

General Conditions of Sale ​


These general contracting conditions expressly regulate the commercial relations arising between the owner of the website (seller) and consumer users who, through this website (www.repotmarket .com) owned by Repot Experience, S.L (hereinafter, Re-pot market) acquire the products that it offers to users at all times.

These general conditions of sale have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), Law 7/ 1998, on General Contracting Conditions (LCGC), and RDL 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the Consolidated Text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws (TRLGDCU ).

Re-pot market may unilaterally modify, at any time it deems appropriate, the configuration and content of these General Conditions of Sale. This, however, the conditions applicable to a given transaction will be those in force at the time of formalization of the same.

The terms and conditions applicable to the purchase of the products offered for sale to the public by Re-pot market through its website www.repotmarket .com, will be all those that are described in these General Conditions of Sale and that will be detailed on the website throughout the purchase process. Through the use of this website, users declare that they know and accept the different procedures necessary to access the different products offered on the website, as well as to formalize their purchase.

The client accepts without reservation these General Conditions of Sale when placing an order with Re-pot market through this web page, having prior knowledge of their content by having been provided with a copy of them in a durable electronic format , in addition to being the same published on this same web page.

If you wish to download and obtain a copy of these General Conditions of Sale, you can do so by clicking HERE.

Before making a purchase through this website, the user is recommended to carefully read the Legal Notice, the Privacy Policy, and the Cookies Policy.


The identifying data of Re-pot market are detailed below:

Name / company name: Repot Experience, S.L
Commercial name: Re-pot market
CIF/NIF: B02969848
Registered office: C/ Aribau 233 A1, 08021, Barcelona
Email address: info@repotmarket.com
Phone number: 664316287

In order to make purchases through this web page, the user must provide the personal data that is requested at the time during the purchase process. The processing of your personal data will be governed by our Privacy Policy.


To purchase the products offered through this website, the user must meet the following requirements:

Be a natural or legal person with residence or domicile located in the territory where shipments of our products are made.

If you are a natural person, you must be over 18 years of age and have sufficient legal capacity to contract.

The consumer regulations, as well as the rights recognized for consumers, will be applicable only to those natural or legal persons who are considered consumers and/or users in accordance with article 3 of the TRLGDCU.


Re-pot market will publish, together with the image of each of the products that are sold through the website, the specific characteristics of each of them and the applicable sale price.

Re-pot market guarantees that the price of the products will be the one in force on the day of formalization of the purchase, regardless of the day on which the physical delivery of the order is formalized.

If there are applicable offers on the price of the products, these will be indicated next to the initial price with a different font and/or color that allows the customer to clearly identify the final price of the product. In any case, the temporary period of validity of the offer or promotion will be indicated on the website.

Re-pot market may, unilaterally and at any time, offer new products that are sold on the website, as well as suspend or cancel, temporarily or indefinitely, any of the products that are offered currently.

The user may formalize the contract through this page in the following languages: Spanish and Catalan.


All orders placed through this website are subject to product availability. If there are difficulties in the supply of products or if there are no items in stock, any amount that the user could have paid will be refunded.


Purchases made through this website must be made following the established online purchase procedure. The user will be able to browse the website and/or search for the desired products. Once a certain product has been located, you will be able to access its complete description, in which you will be informed of the characteristics of the product you wish to buy. The photographs and colors shown in the product sheet may differ from reality as a result of the type of screen used to view the photograph, the color profile selected on the computer or device, and the brightness level, among others.

Once a product has been selected, it can be added to the cart/shopping basket to subsequently proceed with the purchase. Once all the products have been selected, the user will have access to the summary of their purchase. In said summary, the added products and their quantity, summary description of each product, unit price and total price can be reviewed. In this section, discount coupons can also be applied and the shipping price of the products purchased can be consulted. The purchase summary will also specify the price to be paid as a deposit for the containers/boxes that are purchased for the first time.

To finalize the purchase, the user must provide the personal data requested, indicate a means of payment among those offered, and proceed to pay through the payment gateway enabled for this purpose, or through the forms enabled by Re-pot market on its website.

Once the order has been placed, Re-pot market will send an order confirmation email to the email address provided by the customer. Re-pot market will notify the client when their products are shipped through the transport companies with which the seller collaborates.

For more detailed information about the purchase procedure you can visit our FAQ section https://repotmarket.com/pages/faqs.


In the event that the client detects that an error has occurred when entering personal data during his registration as a user of this web page, he can modify them in the client's personal section.

In any case, you can correct errors related to the personal data provided during the purchase process by contacting customer service by calling 664316287, or by email info@repotmarket.com, as well as exercising your right of rectification contemplated in our Privacy Policy through the aforementioned email address.

This web page shows confirmation windows in various sections of the purchase process that do not allow you to continue with the order if the data in these sections has not been provided correctly. Likewise, this website offers the details of all the articles or products that have been added to your basket/shopping cart, so that, before making the payment, the user can modify the data of your order.

If the user detects an error in his order after the completion of the payment process, he must contact our customer service at the aforementioned telephone number or email address in order to correct the error as soon as possible.


All products sold by Re-pot market will be sent to the address provided by the client through a transport company.

Re-pot market ships to the following territories: Barcelona city.

If the user resides in any territory not specified above, they can contact Re-pot market for more information about it.

Below, we inform you in summary of the prices of shipments and delivery times:

*Delivery times may vary due to circumstances beyond the control of Re-pot market .

** The reflected shipping rates may be modified in the future. VAT included in shipping rates.

If for any reason we could not meet the delivery date, we will inform you of this circumstance and we will give you the option to go ahead with the purchase by establishing a new delivery date.

For the purposes of these General Conditions of Sale, it will be understood that "delivery" has occurred or that the order has been "delivered" at the time that the user or a third party indicated by the user, other than the carrier , acquire material possession of the products, which will be accredited by signing the receipt of the order at the agreed delivery address.

For more detailed information on the home delivery/collection procedure, you can visit our FAQ section https://repotmarket .com/pages/faqs.


The risks of the products will be borne by the client from the moment of delivery. The customer will acquire ownership of the products when we receive full payment of all amounts due in relation to them, including shipping costs, or at the time of delivery (as defined in clause 8), if this took place at a later time. In relation to the containers, the client will not be the owner of the same, being only the holder of the same, all without prejudice to the possibility of acquiring ownership of the same in exchange for the deposit provided at the time of contracting the containers. products.


11.1 Forms of payment:

The prices on the website include VAT (when this tax is applicable), but exclude shipping costs, which will be added to the total amount due. Before confirming the purchase order, the user will have access to all the detailed prices.

Prices may change at any time, but possible changes will not affect orders for which we have already sent the user an order confirmation.

Re-pot market accepts the following means of payment through its website:

Credit and debit card: Through the payment gateway enabled by Re-pot market and managed through your bank. You must enter the card number, expiration date and security code CW2. The client guarantees and is responsible that all the information provided on his card is valid. These data will not be stored or manipulated by Re-pot market, but will be registered directly in the payment gateway of the corresponding financial institution.

In application of the second European Union Payment Services Directive (PSD2), it is possible that when paying for our services, your bank sends you an SMS code, mobile notification to the App of your entity or another similar system. Get in touch with your bank to obtain more information about the online payment procedure.

By authorizing the payment through our website, the user is confirming that the debit / credit card is theirs or that they are the legitimate holder of it.

PayPal: The customer will be directed to the PayPal website, where they can make the payment quickly and securely, without sharing financial information with Re-pot market .

11.2 Value Added Tax:

In accordance with the provisions of article 68 of Law 37/1992, of December 28, on Value Added Tax (LIVA), the delivery of the articles will be understood to be located in the territory of application of Spanish VAT if the delivery address is in Spanish territory, except the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla. The applicable VAT rate will be the one legally in force at all times depending on the specific item in question. In the

orders destined for the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla, deliveries will be exempt from VAT by application of the provisions of article 21 of the LIVA, without prejudice to the application of the corresponding taxes and/or tariffs in accordance with the regulations in force in each of these territories.

The client authorizes Re-pot market to issue the invoice in electronic format. However, the customer may at any time indicate their willingness to receive a paper invoice, in which case, we will issue and send the invoice in said format.


12.1 Term and form of withdrawal

If the client is contracting as a consumer and user, they have the right to withdraw from this contract within a period of 14 calendar days without justification.

The withdrawal period will expire 14 calendar days from the day on which the customer or a third party indicated by the customer, other than the carrier, acquires material possession of the goods, or in the event that the goods that make up the order of delivery separately, 14 calendar days from the day the customer or a third party indicated by the customer, other than the carrier, acquires material possession of the last of those goods.

To exercise the right of withdrawal, the client may use the withdrawal form that we provide at the following LINK, or by any other means that allows recording the exercise of the right right (by post, email or via our phone number).

In the event of withdrawal by the customer, Re-pot market will return all payments received from the customer, including delivery costs (with the exception of additional costs resulting from the choice by the customer of a delivery method other than the least expensive modality of ordinary delivery that we offer), without any undue delay and, in any case, within a maximum period of 14 calendar days from the date on which the client informs us of his decision to withdraw from this contract. Re-pot market will proceed to make the refund using the same means of payment used by the client for the initial transaction. The customer will not incur any expenses as a result of the refund. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we may withhold the refund until we have received the goods, or until the client has presented proof of their return, depending on which condition is met first.

The customer must proceed with the return by contacting Re-pot Market through the following email info@repotmarket.com to specify a day and time of collection .

The customer must proceed to return the products purchased through our website without undue delay and, in any case, no later than 14 calendar days from the date on which the customer Communicate your decision to withdraw from the contract. The term will be considered fulfilled if the customer returns the goods before said term has expired.

Re-pot market expressly informs the client that he must bear the direct cost of returning the goods. In this case, you must send, together with the products, a printed copy of the ticket or electronic invoice that you will have received together with the order confirmation or in the order itself.

The client will be responsible for the decrease in the value of the goods resulting from handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.

12.2 Exceptions to the right of withdrawal:

It is possible that the client may not be able to exercise their right of withdrawal with respect to some products in application of the exceptions to the right of withdrawal contained in article 103 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws:

Products that cannot be returned due to hygiene or health protection reasons, if they have been unsealed after delivery, or if they were, after delivery, inseparably mixed with other products.

Products that can deteriorate or expire quickly.

Goods made to customer specifications or clearly personalized.


The applicable regulations require that part of the information or communications that we send to customers be in writing. By using this website, the user accepts that most of said communications with Re-pot market are electronic. We will contact users by email or provide information by posting notices on our website. For contractual purposes, the client agrees to use this electronic means of communication and acknowledges that all contracts, notifications, information and other communications that we send electronically comply with the legal requirements of being in writing. This condition will not affect your rights recognized by law.


If any of the clauses contained in these General Conditions of Sale were declared null and void by a final resolution issued by a competent authority, the remaining terms and conditions will remain in force, without being affected by said declaration of nullity.


Under European consumer law, companies established in the European Union that enter into contracts for the sale or provision of online services (including those that offer their products via email) and established online markets in the Union, they must offer on their websites the link to the online dispute resolution platform, through which claims for contracts made online can be processed:


The creation and development of the Online Dispute Resolution Platform is provided for in Regulation (EU)

524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, to try to offer an online mechanism for submitting disputes between consumers and users established in the European Union in a simpler, faster and cheaper way than going to the courts.

Therefore, through the platform enabled through the previous link, the user can send their complaints, claims or other types of comments that they wish to make.

In addition, Re-pot market has official claim/complaint/report forms available to consumers and users, who may request them through the contact information provided and indicated on the website. For more information in this regard, you can contact the consumer office of your place of residence.


Re-pot market collects and processes personal data from customers through this website. For more information on the processing of personal data, you can visit our Privacy Policy and our Cookies Policy.


Conflicts that may arise in the interpretation and application of these rules will be governed by Spanish law, and will be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of the place of residence of Repot Experience, S.L or del

consumer, at his choice.

Date last updated: March 30, 2021.