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The refund amount wii be credited within 3 to 5 working days in your Mikshaa Acoount." } }, "1584105624501": { "type": "accordion_area", "settings": { "accordion_title": "What are the shipping charges?", "accordion_ans1": "Delivery charge varies with each product. Most of product FREE delivery in India.", "accordion_ans2": "Some items may have a shipping cost depending on the product." } }, "1584105641154": { "type": "accordion_area", "settings": { "accordion_title": "What is the estimated delivery time?", "accordion_ans1": "The estimated time of delivery is within 7 working days for domestic orders and 15-20 working days for international orders. All orders get shipped within 4 to 5 days from the warehouse.", "accordion_ans2": "" } }, "1584105656048": { "type": "accordion_area", "settings": { "accordion_title": "How will the delivery be done?", "accordion_ans1": "We try to process all deliveries through reputed courier companies like Bluedart, Aramex,E-come, DTDC, DHL and Fedex. 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Turia Beer 330 ml - Pack 24 units

Turia Beer 330 ml - Pack 24 units

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Turia Beer: pack of 24 330 ml glass bottles

Alcohol level: 5.4%

Toasted beer with reddish reflections. In the mouth, memories of toasted bread, citrus and a delicate bitterness stand out.

It is recommended to consume it between 5 and 7 ºC.

Ingredients: Water, Barley malt*, Rice, Hops, Color E 150c. * Contains gluten.


The deposit per bottle is €0.10/unit and €3.15/unit for the box (TOTAL DEPOSIT: €5.55).

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